“We are the spirit of creativity”
— Jamie Philbert, Founder ART ON PURPOSE

Who are we?
Art on Purpose is a multifaceted arts organization that delivers social and cultural awareness through professional movement based practices, creative arts education, wearble jewellery art and fashion design that seeks to empower. The company was founded February 2017 in Trinidad and Tobago by Jamie Philbert whom believes that art done purposefully and deliberately can be a powerful vehicle for social change, self-transformation, cultural restoration and preservation. We are the spirit of creativity!
Our Philosophy
Mission & Vision
To inspire and promote the power of creative thought, word, sound, and movement that builds resilient character and community. We envision each citizen will have the accessibility to culture, visual and performing arts that reinforces the balance of education, wellness and honoring of one’s self and the energies that traveled these spaces before our arrival.
Core Values
The people, culture and offerings of Art On Purpose are rooted in the following core values:
Warrior Spirit
Service and Empathy
Commitment and Passion
Innovation and Imagination
Collective Work and Responsibility
Our Movement Based Practices
Founded in 2019 by Jamie Philbert and rooted in Trinidad and Tobago’s cultural and martial art form, Kalinda and kalinda born iterations, this technique is the co creation of Jamie Philbert, co-researchers and martial artists Rondel Benjamin and Matthew Brown aka “King David” who transitioned in June 2020.
A parent-toddler class that supports the social, motor, and cognitive skills of early learners. American Sign Language is integrated through song and affirmations to assist children and parents in developing communication skills and sensitivity towards differently abled communities.
A hybrid of contemporary dance techniques and yoga poses designed for the purposes of core strengthening and somatic healing through flow of movement and breath.
These workshops seek to empower individuals and groups through the understanding of pleasure movement and writing. Participants are invited to explore their sensuality and power of their bodies abilities.
This method is an integrated arts class that uses inspiration from history, daily life, academic subject matters, movement, creative writing, storytelling and visual arts to allow participants to discover self, community and global awareness. It seeks to assist in the understanding of various cultures and connections.
Experience a call and response partnering course that explores intimacy, giving and receiving, following and leading through body, breath and movement play. Deepen your connection with your favorite beloved, friend, or dance partner through this private session.
Book a workshop.
Workshops are available virtually via Zoom and live according to social distance regulations. Please email artonpurpose@gmail.com.
Our Fashion Collection
Sweet Acid
Our current fashion collection celebrates the otherness that the jamette represents and is dedicated to the memory of King David Matthew Brown also known as ACID.
King David was widely known as a legendary stick fighter or as he would say a bois man. He was exceptionally rich in spirit , mind and body. A scholar in his own rights, mystic, healer and undoubtedly Trinidad and Tobago’s dancing warrior. Acid understood the power of sensuality, being-ness, joy, play, regality, warriorhood, nationhood and the essence of coolness it requires to stand on the periphery and hold up a nation with the vulgarity of your sweat and passionate poise. This fashion line speaks to that posture of power and the multidimensional vibrancy of energies King David walked with.
Jamette Chronicles tells the visual story of a liberated people who understood the importance of pleasure and play inside resistance. Fully adjustable, convertible, versatile and made with 100% cotton, the garments reflect an aesthetic of daring cool.
The line is available online and at East Yard in Arima Trinidad and Tobago.
Jamette Chronicles:
Sweet Acid
Fashion Film 2020
The word jamette translates as diameter to pertain to one who lives on the periphery of society. To broaden that scope we understand that the jamette embodies both the masculine and feminine energy in balance, interchanging at will and necessity to inspire and the defend their circles of community and ancestry. The jamette is a warrior of epic proportions, cool, consummate in strategy, style and tactic. The fashion line JAMETTE CHRONICLES pays homage and reimagines the image and levels of eternal wanga or magic the jamette possesses. The first edition of the collection labeled "Sweet Acid" is in honor of King David Matthew Brown, legendary bois man who transitioned on June 21st, 2020 and among his many names he was also fondly known as "Acid". The Jamette Chronicles seeks to be a re-education of the elegance, regality, charisma, and liberation of the people of Kalinda through the fashion of Art On Purpose. These artistic collaborative ideas posed on film are shared through the artistry and vision of Jamie Philbert and lavways/music provided by Rondel Benjamin and Bois Academy of Trinidad and Tobago.